In the frame of the “Trident Senses-Sakis Rouvas” charity initiative, to support “ELPIDA” Association of Friends of Children with Cancer, the Kraft Foods Hellas Company asked the Focus Bari S.A. Marketing Research Services to realise a qualitative research, which brought to light important elements concerning the “ELPIDA” Association, Mrs Marianna V. Vardinoyannis as well as Sakis Rouvas. The results of the research were announced in an event that took place in the ‘ELPIDA’ Guest House on the 6th of July 2011, along with the presentation of the video clip of Sakis Rouvas’ song “There is Hope”. The song and the video clip were dedicated to the children of the ELPIDA Guest House by Sakis Rouvas.Results of the Qualitative research of the Focus Bari Marketing Research Services

May-June 2011


For the President of the “ELPIDA” Association of Friends of Children with Cancer,

Mrs Marianna V. Vardinoyannis

The common opinion characterises Marianna V. Vardinoyannis:

An exemplar.

A prominent personality.

An internationally recognised specialist.

A dynamic woman influencing.

An individual with great social contribution.



People believe that Marianna V. Vardinoyannis:

Radiates love

Is by the children’s side

Has dedicated her life to charity instead of just enjoying herself and being idle

The Children’s Oncology Hospital as well as all “ELPIDA’s” actions are her own achievements.


She has convinced the public of her commitment, consistency, and her continuous offer as well as being able to accomplish everything she wants on her own without outside “support”.


For the “ELPIDA” Association of Friends of Children with Cancer

People believe that “ELPIDA” Association:

Is a very important institution.

Has offered great social work.

Succeeds where the state cannot.

Provides an environment, which helps children substantially.


For the relation of the “ELPIDA” Association and Mrs Vardinoyannis with Sakis Rouvas

The public considers that:

Their connection is very strong.

There are no brands that “intervened” in the relation of Mrs Vardinoyannis and Sakis Rouvas, although their connection with ArGOODaki and Trident is positively recognised.

Sakis Rouvas is the dynamic vehicle of “ELPIDA” towards the society.

People come closer to Marianna Vardinoyannis and the “ELPIDA” Association through Sakis Rouvas.


In general, Sakis Rouvas’ contribution to the “ELPIDA” Association has infiltrated into the public; however, his main “identification” is with Marianna V. Vardinoyannis.

For the philanthropic activity of Sakis Rouvas and his connection with

the “ELPIDA” Association

People believe that Sakis Rouvas:

Is genuine and persuasive.

Emits positive energy.

Is by the children’s side.

Supports volunteerism and offering.



The “Trident-Sakis Rouvas” collection package and the circulation of the song and video-clip for “ELPIDA” constitute innovative and particularly creative steps that are successfully incorporated into the everyday life. The public acknowledges them positively and is looking forward to further steps of similar kind. In the future, as the people’s expectations are very high, “aid” will be needed from “spontaneous” initiatives emerging from the sensitivity and care of Sakis Rouvas.