Mrs. Marianna V. Vardinoyannis along with various prominent personalities, who fight for Peace, participated in a workshop of experts with the topic: “Civilians’ security during armed conflicts” which was held in
This meeting was yet one more initiative of H.E. Mrs Suzanne Mubarak, President of “The Suzanne Mubarak Women’s International Peace Movement” aiming at the investigation of the deficiency of the worldwide peace organisations and international humanistic regulations to adequately protect the civilians as well as finding out efficient solutions towards their empowerment.
The issues that concerned the delegates were the following:
- Locating the blind spots of the current legislation and suggesting proposals for its reinforcement.
- Finding out solutions, based on international practices, which would help the civilians to evacuate the combat fields on time, protecting them, in this way, from the dangers of war.
- Making suggestions that would facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid for the civilians.
- International motivation for the protection of human rights.
- Finding mechanisms for the reinforcement of the international regulations for the protection of civilians.
- Taking initiatives and actions so that these proposals are adopted by the relevant decision-making centres.
The meeting was chaired by H.E. Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak and, among others, it was attended by: the former Secretary General of the UN, Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the European Commissioner for External Relations, Mrs. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Lord David Owen, the former French Minister of Health and co-founder of the “Medecins sans Frontieres” and the “Medecins du Monde”, Dr Bernard Kouchner, the UN Under-Secretary-General, Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, and others.
The second session of the workshop for the protection of civilians took place in January 2007, at the “