On the 25th of April 1999, the “ELPIDA” Association of Friends of Children with Cancer and the “Foundation for the Child and the Family”, considering their duty to stand by the side of the war victims in the Balkans, organised a Telethon in collaboration with Mega Channel TV for the collection of money, sanitary supplies and first aid material in order to send them to the settlements of refugees in the affected regions.

The supplies and the money collected due to the prompt response of the people were allocated as follows:

  • As a first step: 100 tons of food, clothing, sanitary material and medicines were sent to the settlements of refugees in Yugoslavia, FYROM and Albania.
  • As a second step: a large amount of money was offered for the technological equipment of the Surgical and Post-Surgical Care Units that was created in collaboration with the “Doctors of World”, in the upgraded Medical Care Centre in Gracanica, Kosovo.

The third and last part: was given for the construction of th Multicultural Children’s Centre “Athina” in Zemun, New Belgrade.