
The International Convention for the Rights of the Child and the Role of the European Union

Participating in the celebration of December 11: International Day for Children, the “Foundation for the Child and the Family”, organised an event with the topic “The International Convention for the Rights of the Child and the Role of the European Union”.

Opening the event, the President of the Foundation Mrs Marianna Vardinoyannis said, inter alia: “The fact that we still speak today about the need of respect for the rights of the child, which means that these rights are not evident to all or respected by all, demonstrates the extent of the problem and the need of our awakening and mobilization”.

Embracing children suffering from AIDS

Participating in the World AIDS Day, which, in December 1997, was devoted to the children with the tragic fate to be born with AIDS, the “Foundation for the Child and the Family” turned its attention to the Greek children victims of the scourge of our century, undertaking their care for the following year, appealing to governmental and non-governmental institutions, as well as to every citizen, to intensify the fight against AIDS and its prevention, as well as to an even broader fight aiming at the recognition of the rights of the child, with the right to life and health being the priority.

International Conference “Priority to the dignity and safety of the Children in Europe”

The “Foundation for the Child and the Family”, in collaboration with the “European Office for Missing and Exploited Children” –a non governmental organisation for the research, the sensitization and the prevention concerning the abuse, disappearance and exploitation of children- and the “Fondation pour l’ Enfance” -a private French social foundation for the problems of children- organised an International Conference with the topic “Priority to the Dignity and safety of the Children in Europe”. […]